Pistols, Pancakes and Polish Pickles - It's Saturday

The day dawned a frosty 13 degrees.  The high was going to be 21.  A good day for friends, firearms and food.  It started with pancakes. I was making a batch from some hand scribbled notes from last time, and somehow got the liquid and flour quantities reversed. The batter was thin, so thin that when it went on to the griddle it spread out all over, every which direction.

You know how some Mom's make pancakes shaped like Mickey mouse or other animals?


Time to return to the drawing board. The second bath turned out perfectly, light, fluffy, moist and not shaped like something from a Lovecraft story. (recipe in the comments.) Served with Amish Bacon and eggs fried up in a bit of the pan drippings.

Then it was off to Half Priced Books.

This was pretty cool, but at $50, rather pricey. Still, a neat hardcover collectors edition.

I'll just wander around and see if there's anything marked down.

Then it was home with a couple new non fiction books on history and architecture after a stop at a favorite store for some Polish back up.
Then, the drive on back home.
Yes, that's a shotgun cribbage board.
The game is not going so well.  I don't have jack.

Maybe I'll do better with a different game.

Maybe not.  Care for another game of Mexican Train Wreck Dominoes?

Look a squirrel new Ruger! (If all else fails distract them.)
A range report next weekend.  For now, I can redeem myself with supper.

Marinate some ribeyes  for at least 24 hours in a zip lock bag with:
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup olive oil
1/3 cup key lime juice
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
3 heaping Tablespoons minced fresh garlic
2 and 1/2 Tablespoons Basil
1 teaspoon dried Rosemary
1 and 1/2 Tablespoons dried Parsley
1 teaspoon white pepper
1/4  teaspoon hot sauce (I like Scoville Brothers Heavy Metal Heat).

Grill and a minute before removing from heat sprinkle a pinch of Turbinado (raw) sugar on top of each steak to caramelize and offset the salt and heat with just the right sweetness.

Serve with freshly made Perogies stuffed with cheese, potatoes and spice, cooked with some finely diced onion and  browned butter and served with peas (sorry Old NFO).

Hopefully, everyone will forget that earlier train wreck.
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