Guns and Donuts

It's Saturday!  If all goes as planned, and nothing beeps or blows up, it will be a chance to sleep in, go to the LEO range for proficiency shooting (otherwise known as "did I do that?") and . . . . .


These are soft, pillowing, not too sweet with an undertone of nutmeg.  Topped with a maple infused icing with chopped salted peanuts.  Salt and Sugar and Goodness. (and there will be NO misfeeds)

Range Donuts

3 1/2 cups King Arthurs all purpose flour
1/2 cup plus 1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
1 and 1/2 teaspoons nutmeg
2 and 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. Himalayan pink salt
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1 large egg (at room temperature)
1 egg white
Put 1 Tablespoon lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (Braggs) in a cup measure, add enough whole milk to make one cup, let sit 5-10 minutes
4 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
Canola oil to fry in

In a bowl whisk, flour, sugar, nutmeg, baking powder and soda and salt.  Set aside.  In another bowl whisk egg and egg white until light and frothy.  Whisk butter into egg mixture, then add the milk mixture.  Add liquid to dry ingredients, gently stirring just enough to form a dough. Transfer dough to a floured surface; gently pat or roll to 1/2" thickness.  Using a donut cutter, cut out the dough and transfer to parchment paper lined cookie sheets.  Donut holes can be cooked, just a minute or so less, or gently kneaded  together to make a few extra donuts.  Cut with a donut cutter (or use a 3 an 1/2 inch wide glass, to make a round then a thin shot glass to make the hole) and transfer to parchment paper-lined cookie sheets.

Pour oil into a 6-qt. Dutch oven or heavy pan to a depth of 2"; heat over medium-high heat until a deep-fry thermometer reads 325°. Fry donuts in small batches turning until golden, about 2-3 minutes. Using tongs, transfer to  a wire rack set over some paper towels (to keep your counter clean)  Makes a couple of dozen, I ate one (OK, two) and saved the rest for colleagues.

 Browned Butter Maple Icing with Salted Peanuts

6 Tablespoons butter
a pinch of sugar
1 teaspoon Mexican vanilla
2 teaspoon of pure maple syrup
2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/3 to 1/2 cup buttermilk  (use 1 1/2 tsp lemon juice adding milk to it to fill measure if you don't have buttermilk, let sit 5 -10 minutes)
1/2  to 3/4 cup finely chopped salted and roasted peanuts

Melt butter  and a tiny pinch of sugar in a small pan on medium for about 5 minutes, until it starts to brown, stirring fairly often.  Remove from heat and add powdered sugar, and maple syrup, whisking.  Stir in vanilla and about 1/3  buttermilk until it's smooth, whisking for several minutes, adding more buttermilk if needed to get the consistency you like (thinner is more of a glaze texture).  Frost donuts immediately.  Sprinkle with peanuts.

If you have leftover icing, save for scones or cookies or stir a teaspoon into hot cooked oatmeal.
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