Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Snow - Girls Day Out

Winter has us in her sights one last time. The "inch of snow or less" forecast has been changed to 6-9 inches, with very high winds. So it's time for a early breakfast before heading into the city for errands and a bit of girls day out before having to batten down the hatches. Already committed to help someone move something with my truck, there won't be any range time this weekend, but at least there will be Guinness as the snow starts.

The morning's recipe -  a Fritatta (pronounded "fri-taa-taa").  If you have eggs and a cast iron skillet, you can make one and it's a lot easier, for me anyway, than an omelet. This one had sundried tomatoes,  red potatoes, pepperoncini peppers, garlic, onion, italian herbs and fresh basil and 4 types of cheese.

Spicy Italian Frittata

The truck mission? A gal friend needed some help picking up and loading some things at Lowe's as her husband was out of town and she wanted to get the supplies in for a project he'd planned on doing on his return, at least until his flight in from Denver cancelled due to weather. Can do! Then a stop at the farm supply store for Barkley chow and a stop at Roseholme Cottage to drop off some things purchased whilst on my trip.  Oh!  Just in time for lunch.  Fat Dan's Deli ?  You don't have to twist my arm to go there.

Roberta  X headed out on her bicycle (and not just ANY bicycle) while Tam and I hoofed it over, a little exercise being in order after a  big breakfast, even with some chores thrown in there.  It was a beautiful day, sun shining, temps in the upper 40's/ low 50's.  You'd not know a big storm was a brewing.
Fat Dan's was busy, almost every table filled, but the service was prompt and friendly as ever. There's plenty of seating at tables in addition to the bar and at the tables, are games and some colored chalk, if people want something to pass their time.

Hey where's Bobbie?
Sigh. . . . I'm getting hungry!

She's here!  The basket is new, and ever so cool!

There was catching up. A little people watching (look, there's two sumos overhead watching us!).

BAM, said the lady!
And always, serious discussions. . . how you can get Tam to click on a link without ensuring it's safe, simply by sending"woman's home burned down by snake she set on fire", why Dr. Who just keeps getting younger and hotter, why running up the stairs may or may not work if attacked by a Dalek and if we were to colonize the moon whether we'd prefer Captain Mal or Jack Harkness to scramble our eggs in the morning

Serious stuff, the conversations among erudite women.

The food is here!

The sandwiches have arrived with one "small" fry to share.  There's not many fries that will hold up to a good malt vinegar, these will and there was more than enough for all three of us (perhaps only the sumos order the "large" fries)

 A brisket, a burger, some peppered coleslaws and the best Reuben sandwich in Indy. (Dan's house smoked corned beef is hard to top)

Then it was off to Fresh Market for "well if we're going to be snowed in we WILL need more Chuao chocolate" and a trip to the park to let Barkley play with the toy my friend PA State Cop got him for Christmas a while back, one last romp while the weather is good.

Throw it!  Throw it!
While Roberta rode off into the sunset on the amazing technicolor bicycle.

I have a happy dog, a full stomach, books, some Bowmore and some Guinness and a furry companion (and I don't go on call  again for 48 hours.)  Not a bad way to get snowed in for a couple of days.

Well I CAN'T lay on my bed,  someone stepped all over it with their paws and it's not poofy any more.
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