Posts From the Road - Born to Be Mild

I had a rental car that was apparently too small for even clowns to use at the circus.  Still it ran, and I was able to get a bag the size of a Chihuahua in the small trunk.

I remember the old days of flying somewhere, where some airports had a "crew car" you could borrow to go eat  if you bought  a tank of gas.  Most were a 1978 Buick that would occasionally catch fire, but they were free.  One, in some desert area, came with a free snake sunning itself inside (watch out!windshield viper!)

Enterprise, who has always taken great care of me, offered to upgrade me but I don't care to pay the difference out of pocket so I took my clown car and pretended to be driving the vehicle above.  With  the seat all the way back, classic rock on the stereo and red hair flying out the window, people didn't laugh too hard.  Besides, I get to be home soon.

You all be safe out there.
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