Ripoff Report and Recipe - News from the Range Kitchen

I don't have to tell my readers that the majority of convenience food is a rip off, one can cook from scratch for so much less.  However, I still have times I'm willing to try a product, for that rare day I've nothing in the freezer at the crash pad, and I've come back from days on the road.

Kashi started out with some good cereals and bars, then they were sold to another company ten or so years ago.  New cereals coming out had a fair amount of sugar so I stick to my oatmeal.  But I did try their frozen individual black bean burrito meal and it was tasty, if expensive for the amount.  So when I saw this "steam meal" I had to try it, even if the price $4.79 was well, still high.  But look how big the bag is for one serving.
Four and a half minutes in the microwave and there would be my big heaping plate of grilled chicken breast, veggies and a bit of pasta. It's not advertising itself as a "diet" meal, simply a healthy one.

This is the picture on the package (and on their website, kashi dot com)

This is what I got (I separated out the ingredients so you could see). 

A cup of noodles in some "sauce",  1/4 cup of limp veggies (and I cooked at the minimum time on the package), and  about three and a half anorexic strips of chicken.  The noodles were whole grain but the "Parmesan sauce" tasted like salt, mixed with salt with a dash of salt.
click to enlarge photos, hypothetically speaking

The chicken was as tender as a parking meter and apparently whatever they painted the "grilled" marks on the cover picture with  must have washed off during the steaming process. They advertise it as "natural" but it tasted just like those"brined with rib meat" breasts that you can buy at Big Box Mart in 20 pound bags.  But their website says the "natural"  means "minimally processed" with "no artificial sweeteners or preservatives", which simply means they didn't take the chicken out for a couple of martinis and Cirque du Soleil, before turning it into chicken bits.

I've had much worse tasting pre-packaged meals but mixed together, the contents of the bag wouldn't cover 1/4 of a normal size plate.

Frankly folks, this was about twenty cents worth of food, for which I paid close to $5.

I spent the majority of the day in tabletop exercises that involved neither a table or exercise. I donated blood with the Indiana Blood Center on my meal break.  I washed and vacuumed the Bat Truck, which is roughly the size of Delaware.  I wanted something that would fill me up.

It was like expecting THIS

and getting THIS
So you can have your $5.00 per person Kashi meal OR for less than $2 a serving  if you buy your pasta and chicken in bulk, you can have THIS. No, it's probably not "healthy" with the butter and cheese, but your family will love it, your kids will snarf up the veggies in it and your pocketbook will thank you.
Creamy Chicken and Noodles
In a pan  on medium heat I sauteed a little chunk of an onion and a heaping half teaspoon of  minced garlic, until softened, then added a couple leftover chicken breasts, sliced and just let it sit on warm for the flavors to mingle while I made the sauce and noodles (a small package of thick home style dried noodles).
The sauce was made from what was in the refrigerator.
  • 1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
  • 1 (8 ounce) package light cream cheese, cut into cubes for easier melting
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic in a jar (or  use a teaspoon of  garlic powder)
  • 1 cup milk (2% was what I had)
  • 1 cup half and half (or unsweetened whipping cream)
  • 3 ounces grated Parmesan cheese
  • 3 ounces grated Romano
(or you can use 6 ounces, about 3/4 cup, of a bagged Italian "blend" cheese)
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • heaping 1/4 teaspoon Italian Seasoning blend
  • dash of red pepper flakes (less than 1/8 teaspoon)
DIRECTIONS - Melt butter in a medium sized, non-stick saucepan over medium heat. Add cream cheese and garlic, stirring with wire whisk until melted and smooth. Add milk, a little at a time, whisking until smooth.  Stir in Parmesan and pepper (do not let it get to a boil, medium to medium/low on the heat), reducing as needed).  Remove from heat when sauce is smooth, heated well and starting to thicken up.  Sauce thickens pretty rapidly when removed from heat.

While this is cooking, microwave or steam a couple of cups of fresh or frozen bagged veggies til tender crisp

Toss cooked sauce with hot pasta, chicken mixture and veggies. Serve with grated cheese and extra red pepper flakes.

Expect visitors to the table quickly.
She'll never notice me here.
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