Shiny! And Pointy (with new knife photos)

Midwest Chick gets a box of pointy goodness in the mail, and from it, I get a photo from her and a comment about kittens. Much online giggling (and envy) ensues.

For you see, about a year or so ago, I received a box in the mail. I get my packages at a UPS store.  I travel a lot and don't want something I ordered sitting out on the porch for days, stating "I'm not home!" Only a handful of people have that address.

So when the box arrived, I was puzzled, not having ordered anything. The name on the return address was Kim Breed.

Who's Kim?  At the time I had a couple female bloggers I corresponded with, though only by screen name, ladies that knew my best friend well off blog and might have gotten my address from her for some surprise as a birthday was coming up. Both were older ladies, grandmothers many times over, and we'd traded both recipes for bread and bullets.  What a nice surprise.

I also had a young friend in Afghanistan who had recently mentioned a little care package being sent one of these days, but his name isn't Kim and it was too early for his package, given his military duties and shipping times from there to here. This one HAD to be from one of my female shooty pen pals.
I opened it.  It was a knife, a REALLY cool knife. Not mass produced.  Made by hand with great attention to craftsmanship.  Even better, it had a sheath that I could hang discretely around my neck as back up. Now mind you, when I first opened it, I didn't look closely at the NAME on the knife blade (after that particular day I was just thankful to open it without mayhem). There was no note or card, just the carefully made knife. I put it safely away and hit the rack, exhausted after a long day.

The next day, I went and bought a thank you card for "Kim", who, based on the demographic of who the sender might be, was to recieve an old fashioned, very girly card.  Something like you might send your Mom. I'm pretty sure it had kittens on it, kittens or kittens and flowers and I penned a thank you to Kim for the thoughtfulness.

My friend in Afghanistan contacts me, about the package.  It was a knife.  It was a knife, custom made for me by. .
Kim Breed.

Who is a Guy.

A tall, rugged, ex Special Forces guy.

I just sent him a card which I am pretty sure was covered with kitties or flowers and glittter and other such non tactical crap.

Face Palm.
Apparently there was to be a note with the knife but there was no note, or in my fatigue, I missed it.

A year later I'm still loving it, especially in that I can wear it around my neck, over or under a jacket while out on a jog or a bike ride, or puttering around the garage.  The sheath is formed to hold the knife very snugly, but not so much that you can't pull it out without hesitation when you need to.

Being the the best knife ever,when Midwest Chick saw it on a visit to the Range she wanted one as well. I have to say it fit her hand perfectly.  Kim's knives are not made in huge bunches, and he doesn't have a web site that we could find. (Though my friend Oleg knows him.) UPDATE:  Kim emailed me his phone and addy.  It's to place an order).
You find Kim if you really want a special knife, or somehow his knife finds you.  However it happens, the most amazing knife in the word will slip into your world,  from the heart and hands of one of the good guys.

And I hear he likes kittens.
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