Sunday Blog Fluff!


The first item, I'll let you all guess what it is. Partner wrestled its mysterious form out of the Ford Exploder after an outing.  I think he was going to an estate sale to look at a historical long rifle and stuff for his house, but I don't think this is from that event.  What is it and why is it now in the Range garage?

The second, on my eternal quest for the world's fluffiest pancake, I think I've come up with the winning recipe.  They'll take an extra 45 minutes time compared to Bisquick and milk, but the actual mixing and cooking is ever so quick, there's just some sit time in there, perfect for a lazy weekend morning of coffee and relaxation. 
Take 3/4 cup milk and egg out of fridge and let sit until about room temperature (15 minutes minimum, 30 is even better, go walk the dog, brew some coffee)

Then, mix ix in a small cereal bowl:

The room temperature 3/4 cup milk
2 Tablespoons regular Vinegar

While that sits for 10 minutes, mix up the flour in a medium bowl and set aside:

flour mixture: In a medium bowl mix well:

1 cup all purpose flour (use spoon to carefully drop flour in cup, don't shake, then level with knife)
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 tsp baking powder (check date, make sure it's not expired)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

After the 10  minutes is up for the milk mixture, whisk the egg into it well, then add 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla and 2 Tablespoons melted butter (nuke in a cup in the microwave for about 20 sec.), whisking well as the butter is added.

Immediately dump the milk mixture into the center of the flour mixture and stir JUST until combined, about 10-12 gentle stirs. It will  quickly bubble up as you stir and look almost puffy/spongy. DO NOT mix further, this is what makes them so tall and light. Bubbles are good! Batter that looks like "the Blob" is good.  The magic of kitchen chemistry. 
 click on photos to enlarge

Let the batter then  sit about 15 minutes (don't stir again), then cook quickly on a  oiled grill, handling the batter as little as possible (I used a 1/4 cup measure to carefully withdraw batter to pour on the grill). The first one or two will be a bit thick, the batter thins slightly on handling but do as little of that as you can.
Infused with vanilla and butter, they cooked up tasty, tender, light and well. . . fluffy!  OK, I'm writing this one down, these are so going to get made again (makes 8-10 medium pancakes)

Now, I have to go see what that thing in the garage is.  I know there's a date coming up in a few months we were going to do something fun to commemorate. Maybe this is a gift.
Let me just open it up. . .
 Well - nothing says I Love You like -


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