Fun Where You Can Make It - Gun Show, Food and Friends

The weekend started with the Indy 1500 gun and knife show.  There are no pictures allowed there, so you'll just get non-show photos today (and bonus points for anyone that recognizes this little piece), but it was a great time.  Tam and Shooty Buddy were spotted early, later followed by 
Midwest Chick and Mr. B. and friends Mr. K and his wife T.  Partner in Grime and I arrived later, as he was arriving in from a distance.

The show was good, a fair sized crowd, lots of displays. Not as many historical items as we've seen up at the Amish Gun Show,  but some very nice and unique pieces of history indeed.  The whole show has a little bit of everything, and lots of it. 

Plus things you don't always see at gun show while you make your purchases.
Two meteorites, both pretty small, size wise, one 10 pounds one 225 pounds. Unlike some tables with DO NOT TOUCH signs by the rare pieces, the 10 pound one had an invitation to pick it up. I picked it up. The booth beefcake (like booth bunnies but male, knowledgeable and friendly as well) said "girls usually don't pick it up" and I just grinned. The 225 pound one came with a sign that said "you can look at it, photograph it, pet it, lick it, BFF it, but do NOT pick it up".  Midwest Chick and I didn't even try.

There was also a lot of survival and some camping gear including a display that had, what I can only describe as a small meshed tent the exact length and width of a sleeping bag, hoisted up in the air by straps at each end to simulate being hung in the tree.

I probably got folks attention when I exclaimed "Look! A BEAR PINATA!

There were new gun and old guns, old and young attendees.  It was definitely worth staying in Indy at the crash pad during a weekend off.  Everyone had a good time, though I purchased very little, my budget geared more to helping family right now than buying additional supplies other than ammo.
Then it was off to Fogo De Chao, the women in our  little group in elegant, girly clothes (there is not a firearm I can conceal under here), the men, handsome and hungry.  That, folks, should be its own post, but it was indeed a good time (and we heeded their advice "don't fill up on the salad bar" as they brought the rest of our drinks).
There was some serious meat eating going on. Tango Yankee Fogo De Chao!
Sunday dawned early for everyone (OK, not early for everyone, something about one last round at the Wild Beaver Saloon), as today was the Indy Blog Meet.

Til someone threw cold water on it.

Namely, the crash pad hot water heater went out late Saturday night.  Tepid showers for just one person last night, then nothing but COLD! for anyone after that.  I deferred.
Seriously Mom, are you going out in public with that hair?

No morning hot showers either, the unit not magically fixing itself during the night. Quick! Distract everyone with homemade croissants, made Friday, the unrisen dough frozen for emergencies. Add fruit and yogurt. Call it brunch! Call the repair guy!
Being a Sunday, a service call wasn't going to happen immediately (though thankfully, being a rental, I'd not have to pay for it). So plans were changed and I stayed home to wait for the tech to arrive with tools in hand.

Fortunately Partner in Grime was willing to hang out with me.

OK, what to do til that doorbell rings.
Table Tennis?

No, maybe we can build something in the garage.

No, never mind, damn homeowners association rules. .
Maybe I better just bake something.

Cappuccino Brownies

What's that?  The Auto Bark system!  Repair Guy to the Rescue!

Some diagnostics and a new thermostat later, the hot water was heating up. It was too late for the Blog Meet, but not too late to take Barkley out for some exercise.
There's home!  Let's run!

Oh no, we were speeding, Barkley and I were busted. Two feet from our own driveway no less.
Fortunately the officer gave me a warning, accepted a brownie and one for his playmate, as Mom waved from the garage and Barkley and I were in for the night.

Still, there is time for Sunday dinner. It's not the same as the Broad Ripple Brew Pub and friends, but it will still be good, even shared with just the HOTR crew.

We'll start with fresh baked biscuits.
Add baked chicken and beans with bacon.

The chicken, easy as can be - panko bread crumbs, ground pecans, fresh parmasan, basil, a dash of cayenne, salt and pepper. (I'll put the exact amounts in the comments if anyone wants it).
Dip chicken pieces in Italian salad dressing, roll in crumb mixture and bake at 375 F. until 160 F. degrees internally (for the large bone in pieces 45-50 minutes).  Remove from oven and let sit a few minutes to let the temp come up to 165 and serve with biscuits and green beans with Bacon.

We already got the whole dessert thing covered. Leftovers were packed up to go home with guests, and Barkley and I waved goodbye to what was a wonderful weekend.
Thanks everyone, to those that make my family a part of their lives and their homes; to those that just stop in at the Range with a hello and  kind word, it's always a pleasure to have the company.
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