Tuesday Night Temptations- Creamsickle Cake

I occasionally bake goodies for my colleagues.  Since on any given day, a lot of of folks are tied up with a complicated task or in the field, usually one recipe will feed whoever is actually near a desk.

If I know it's someones birthday or if they've done a very difficult assignment,  they get a choice of dessert, to keep to themselves, or share.  Sometimes they decline, citing dieting, but half the time I'm met with "cool!" and everyone always shares.

This week I made the offer, whatever kind this fellow wanted.  I was told "can you made  a cake that tastes like a creamsickle?"   All adults remember Creamsickle, that tasty ice cream bar from Popsicle that had the creamy vanilla center wrapped with tart orange. 

After a little Internet searching and some mental tweaking, as some of the old standby recipes use a lot of science experiment ingredients and some had ingredients I don't think they even make any more,  I made one.  This one uses a cake  mix as a base, as I was wanting a recipe that anyone could whip up in a hurry.

It has an easy but real whipped cream frosting (you can use Cool Whip, just ignore my twitch) infused with two kinds of vanilla and  the barest hint of orange essence topping a citrus cake with a spike of tart orange.

I tasted the frosting. Oh, this is going to be one dangerous cake.

Creamsickle Cake

UPDATE: I didn't get to try it, long story, for another time, but everyone said it was the best cake I've made (and it was probably the easiest)
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