A Bloody Good Bloody Mary Sunday

Open spaces, yet the nooks offer a hint of privacy.

Want just a tad of adventure with your Sunday brunch?  Some ocean views to pleasantly clutter your dreams? If you’re anywhere on the coast of South Carolina, I’ve got a scenic spot, filled with plank-docks, glorious yachts, and  a breathtaking view of the water.  Gulfstream Café, in Garden City Beach.  Name’s not familiar?  It’s just down the street from Murrells Inlet  Murrells rhymes with Girls.  Still confused?  Drive north along the coast from Charleston, about an hour and a half.

What’s so special?  Let’s start with fresh seafood.  Whatever you want.  Maybe you’d like the brunch buffet instead.  Plenty to choose from, including made-to-order omelets.   But for me, being a friend to all things fermented, the highlight is the do-it-yourself Bloody Mary table.

When the waiter offers you a drink, take it.  Say “Bloody Mary,” with manly confidence.  Don’t be surprised when he brings a glass of ice, with a healthy shot of gin or vodka, and a rim incrusted with salty flavors.  The rest is up to you.  Grip the glass firmly and saunter to the café’s well-equipped table.  Besides tomato juice options, there’s every condiment known to civilized, or savage man.  Jalapeños.  Pickled baby onions. Pickled okra. Diced eggs. Et-freaking-cetera.

The result of careful planning

No Sunday breakfast is complete without fluffy, buttermilk biscuits, churned butter, and cream gravy!

 Gulfstream Café

1536 South Waccamaw Drive, Garden City Beach, SC 29576

Bloody Marys are an old favorite.  My memory glides fondly to those made by my cousin, who was also our host for the Gulfstream Cafébunch.  If you can’t get out and about for a Sunday brunch, try his recipe.  If the weather is wonderful, grab yourself a sunny spot.  If not, make a pitcher and snuggle up by the fireside.  Hey, I’m giving you the drink recipe and the setting….don’t expect me to do it all!  Which reminds me of the time, but that’s another story.

Bloody Mary

1 Cup Vodka
1 Jar Beefamato
2 Small cans spicy V-8
1 Lime squeezed and dropped into the pitcher.  Don’t you dare use anything but a fresh lime!
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 Tablespoon  Tabasco Sauce

If you don’t know what to do from here, you’ll probably spill it all over yourself and blame your wife, you whimp.

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