Bacon Spoonbread - Gluten Free Cooking Week 2

Week two of the gluten free bakeout to support a friend who has Celiac.  OK,  the popovers Saturday weren't gluten free, but the  first gluten free version resembled moon rocks.

Sunday Brunch was much better.  A lot better.  Let's just say "serves 8" was more like "serve four" as everyone had seconds. Even those mindful of calories, never have seconds, had seconds. Corn spoon bread with bacon and jalapenos.
It might be called spoon"bread" but the consistency is more of a wonderful cross between polenta, custard and a cornmeal soufflé, an airy, delicate puff of smooth corn flavors across your tongue. Some are sweet, almost dessert like, but for this one I went savory, with bacon, onion caramelized in bacon drippings, ancho and jalapenos.

The ingredients might take 10 minutes or so to assemble, but stove top cooking is just minutes, with a bake time of about half an hour.  Everyone who had a plate (OK, two plates) agreed it was worth a little extra fuss.  And it's gluten free!

In an assortment of bowls  assemble:

- A handful of chopped sweet onion
- 4-5 slices of thick cut bacon
- 2 cups milk (not skim) to which you've added 1 and 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper and two pinches ancho chili powder (or cayenne)
- 1 cup stone ground corn meal
- 4 Tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces
- 1 cup milk  (yes, in a separate bowl from the  2 cups above) to which you've added a pinch of sugar
- 3 large eggs separated (whites in one larger bowl, whisk the yolks into the one cup of milk above)
- 1 cup cheese (I used half pepper jack, half cheddar) grated
- 1 cup fresh or thawed corn and 1 large jalapeno (chopped with all but a few seeds removed, or all if you want it really mild)

Preheat oven to 375 F.

Fry bacon until cooked, but still tender, remove and chop.

Drain off all but a little bacon grease and soften onion in pan drippings until starting to turn golden, removed with slotted spoon.

In a saucepan, heat the 2 cups of the salt and peppered milk, whisking constantly over medium to medium high until at a low boil.  Lower heat to medium low and slowly pour in 1 cup cornmeal, stirring constantly and cook for 2 minutes (it will be quite thick, and switching from whisk to wooden spoon helps when you pour in the corn)
Remove from heat , pour into large clean bowl and stir in butter until melted.

Slowly add remaining milk/egg yolk mixture into cornmeal mixture in a thin stream,  stirring constantly so the egg yolks don't cook.

Add corn, peppers, cheese, chopped bacon, and caramelized onion and set aside

Whip the bowl of egg whites with hand mixer until defined but not stiff peaks form. Drop a heaping spoonful of the whipped eggs into the corn batter and stir well, then gently fold remaining egg whites into the corn batter, a third at a time, just until combined.

Bake in greased large casserole pan for 26-32 minutes until puffed and golden brown (knife inserted into center should come out clean).

Serve with sour cream (if you wish) and chopped chives.
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