R and R

It's been a long week and a tough one mentally.  The day was too long  to safely hit the road  tonight so I'm getting some hot food, a good night's sleep, then I'll drive home. (And yes, that's a flip phone.  Before you give me any grief, remember I could probably whoop you at Asteroids :-)

I have no plans after that  involving anything more than old westerns, reloading, attempting to beat my husband (at cribbage), baking more bread and sleep. 

I'll be back with a post Sunday.  Until then,  I have the "three b's" on standby with a "breakfast for supper".  That would be Barkley, Bacon and Biscuits (with lingonberry preserves and a hot beverage with a shot of Jameson in it), before the long bubble bath.   Cheers!
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