Are you Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Upper Respiratory Infection 3. Brigid 0.

Outside of actual injury, as  I have broken a small bone or two during my career in all manner of exciting ways. . .

Secret Ninja Hotel Dresser
metallurgy experiment and gravity

I almost never call in sick.   When I do, it's for a single day,  I try not and whine about it.

Not today, what was a dry cough yesterday during the afternoon turned into an attempt to circulate motor oil in my lungs throughout the night. 

I woke up wheezing, with this heavy weight on my chest, and the room full light.  The heavy weight was NOT congestion or heart issues.  (Since I keep a camera bedside for those often hilarious 4 a.m. "Barkley tries to wake Mom" moments, I snapped what was in my view).

It was a 88 pound lab laying on top of me and all the covers, with his face to mine, and an expression that said "are you OK?  are you OK?", for I know I coughed most of the night until I finally fell asleep with him laying on the floor by the bed instead of out on the couch where he normally sleeps.

I reassured him I'd live, gave him some nasty dry crap and called my boss at squirrel central to say I was down for the count for my remaining  bit of duty this week. I then called my assistant, who offered those comforting words that only a male colleague can "Gee B. you sound like &$#* !

 But I'm not going anywhere, for a while, even when I'm officially off sick leave, too puny to brave I-65 and bummed I am going to miss the Girls Day Out with Tam before I hit the road.

I didn't think it was bronchitis but when I started sounding like a demented air compressor by lunch, I went to the urgent care that's associated with my hospital network as I was feeling like anything but Superman.
It's just an acute respiratory infection and a fever, viral not bacterial, not a whole lot I can do, but lots of water and humidifier (actually two, and a rice cooker works just dandy as the back up). Then couch and bed rest and Pinky and the Brain. Hopefully I'll feel well enough to load up the truck for the drive home this Sunday or Monday, to get some fresh groceries for the Range before Christmas. If not. .

The Brain: We're going to a place where the sun never sets, the size of your wallet matters, and actors and actresses slave all day.

Pinky: We're going to Denny's?
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