For Yesterday's Hunting Story - Some Hunting Photos

So, where does 80 pounds of Farmer's Sausage come from?

Sorry kids, it's not from the magic meat machine at the grocery store, it's from these two bad boys
No, neither of those were my kill, those were Neil's and Marty's.  Let's just say my opening day deer LOOKED a lot bigger late day from 75 yards. Still, a decent doe with perhaps 40 pounds of meat, but when I sent the photo via phone to my 90 + year old Dad, he said "did you accidentally shoot a dog?"

The "whitetail spaniel" jokes have not yet stopped.

But you know, the best part about deer camp.  When someone shows up with the "box".  It's been in a jeep, it's been ferried in many a boat, it's been reverently hauled across land by squirrel forces unwilling to leave it's contents behind, come hell or high water.  When it appears,  everyone is  happy.  It's like the Tardis, but made out of wood.
It's NOT bigger on the inside, but what it holds is even more magical.

It's the Pie Box!
When you show up with the Pie Box, no one's going to care if you don't bring home a trophy.

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