Holiday Parties, Not so Inert Gasses, and a Zamboni - Winter Fun

Saturday between Christmas and New Years.  The perfect time for a little holiday get together at the Range.  It's the same group each year here, a bunch of friends from school who live in the area.

It's nothing fancy, some snacks, some music, and lots of stories. And of course, Partner's latest bow tie - Starry Starry Night.
It started with a baked glazed ham, sliced and made into sandwiches with sharp cheddar and some honey mustard.
Then into a crockpot on the side table went a whole bunch of spicy party meatballs.
With about a dozen or so  folks expected, late afternoon, we didn't need a huge feast, just some tasty munchies, and plenty of soft drinks and a couple beers for the few who weren't driving.
There was dip (including Italian Spinach dip with red pepper)  with chips, crackers and fresh veggies and everyone's favorite,  the red  velvet cake roll with fluffy cream cheese filling, and a side of white chocolate peppermint bark to munch on.
Unfortunately for Mr. Barkley, with all the food within easy stealing reach on the table with more in the kitchen for refills,  he was jailed in the back office, though able to see everyone, get some pets and some treats.
 I need to talk to the warden about the lack of toys in here.

After everyone was full, it was time to catch up, stories from school, stories from careers,  This is a pretty eclectic bunch - accountants , architect, engineers, computer geek, a music historian, paralegal, a firefighter, a teacher, a Veterinarian, an Urban Planner and hockey player

"Then, we messed with his keyboard so every time he typed a semi colon what actually typed out was "I'm a little teapot, short and stout". 
Then there was a discussion on MAPP gas is better than butane for sweat soldering, fun with liquid nitrogen, and a driving performance review of the latest in Zambonis

"Note the understated drama of its appearance and the quality of its interior appointments.  I'd personally would prefer more control from the chassis and more presence from the engine, This machine still gives you that measure of confidence when you're surrounded by the usual idiots in traffic and with though it only has a top  speed of 7 mph, it DOES look fast on the ice".
Pretty soon, it was time for those with young kids to head home, while others migrated to the city to watch one of the guests have a late practice hockey game at the Blackhawks Stadium.  Hey, they have a bar on one level and an Zamboni!

What kind of trouble could we get into!  

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