Book Publication- Almost There!

The galley proofs are in and it's going to print here in the next two weeks.  So it should be out in the beginning weeks of summer, as planned.

It was going to be just a few short stories and it turned into a novel,  252 pages worth. I don't talk about work (anything I publish has to get the OK from the squirrel ethics folks)  but I talk about life and love and loss (and dog hair and bacon!)  I sent an advance copy to just three or four close friends. One of them, my good friend Borepatch, made my day with this post.

And one of the IND bloggers simply said : This is the awesome, with cake and bacon. I cannot wait to hold one in my hands. 

I'd hoped Big Bro would have been here to read this, but I'm glad Dad has hung on, just so he can agree with Partner with "needs more car chases and explosions".
OK Schmoo - Goldie's on lookout, on the count of three we rush the squirrel.
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