Is there a Twelve Step Program for Kong Toys?

 OK, there's ONE more little bit of treat in there.
If I just stick my tongue out a LITTLE bit further.

Barkley never played with the little Kong toy much, those hard rubber toys with the hole in the center where you can place treats.  He preferred open begging for treats,  or the "Bacon Drive By", even though Dad's Rescue Dalmatian loved hers.  But  Abby loves it, once she discovered the little milk bones inside, chopped up with the Ceramic Ginsu knives Old NFO got me for Christmas a few years back.  She'll bat it around as pieces fall out, then try and lick out all  the crumbs.

But there is a time, you just have to "cut someone off".

You've all seen someone at a bar who has had too much.  Morose, head down or on the bar itself, half passed out, hand still around their now empty glass..

It's kind of sad.
I think I need to cut back on her Kong treats.
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