Your Brain on Labrador Retriever

When you start your day with your yearly mammogram and end with a big pile of dog poop on your one expensive area rug (seriously, picture the diet coke and Mentos experiment and the clean up would have been less). . . . . . .

In between was a whole bunch of legal stuff. And meetings about legal stuff. And meetings about the meetings with legal stuff.   I had to put up the "my brain hurts, come back another time" sign.

The day can only get better right?

Abby's OK, she'd snagged some cooked chicken skin I'd removed from my dinner last night and the yogurt tub that needed licking clean, out of the trash while I was at work.  She'd shown zero prior interest in the trash (though anything toxic to dogs goes straight to the outside trash) and outside of the chicken bits it was just some paper and the combined trash from the bathrooms. Plus, it's way too tall to get into.

She KNOCKED it over, to get to the contents. She tried to pretend she knew nothing about it, but when you have yogurt on your whiskers and a panty shield stuck to your head it's hard to be coy. (Yes you have "wings", no you can't fly.)

But she knew enough to knock it over.

As the guy said in Jurassic Park.

Clever Girl".

She's learning, as am I. (And seems to be fine, playing with her Angry Bird plush toy right now).

But I think it's time for a finger of scotch. 
 - Brigid

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