
Abby  looking particularly content, and having absolutely no shame.

They say that selling a book is 5% the book and 95% marketing.  Seeing as how the marketing for The Book of Barkley is pretty much the internet (and thank you for the two friends and three anonymous folks that reviewed it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!), I know I need to do more. Now I'm not so shameless, I'm going to dress up in a dog suit and hand out books at PetsMart but I'm willing to take a little time to make his story known to more than just my faithful readers.

But in talking to people about how best to keep Barkley alive in minds and hearts,some of whom have never met him, outside of the book, it was suggested by my friend Vic that I do another blog with photos of him,, some seen, some never seen, plus the occasional remembrance that never made it to print.  I am also going to highlight some of the Lab Rescue Organizations so if you know of one that should be highlighted please let me know.

With that I present The Book of Barkley - The Blog

I will try and put something new each week as well as let others share their own stories of their pets in the comments.  If you have a "Safe for Work" website that you'd like featured in  Barkley's "Pack" on the sidebar all I ask is you read the book and review it on line.  Links on blogs are also welcome.

There are a few of you, where I know money is really tight but you said you wanted to read.  Those books are going out as a thanks to you for your friendship, a few shipping today, a few more shipping Monday when I get a couple addresses from mutual friends.

Thank you all for your patience, support and kindness these last few months during the loss of both Barkley and my Big Brother (who is as much a part of the book as Barkley is).
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