I Feel the Need for Squeek

Mom - I need more squeeky toys.  You leave, you're gone for days and you come home all tired out, without any squeeky toys.
Sorry Barkley, we'll take care of that.
Barkley got his first trip to PetSmart.

First a stop at the BigBox store for some cleaning stuff ("hey look - the WalMart Brand of foaming bathroom cleaner with "Scrubbing Bubba") and a trip to the UPS store to pick up all my mail.

Then off to PetsMart

 I wasn't sure how he'd do, as he hates tile floors, but once he saw all the toys and the smells and the other dogs, he just charged right in pulling Partner in Grime like some sort of Nantucket Sleigh Ride.

Look! People!
Hmmm, giant tub of dog cheetos or the chewy snacks. Can I have both?

I think we need the "Beware of Dog" sign to intimidate that wimpy mixed breed terrier next door.

Oh look, it's dog adoption day!  I'm so lucky to have a home, I hope some folks will take these dogs home today and give them treats.

From the distance came the sound of several squeeky toys going off in a single round and the rest of the pictures were just "dog shape blur". 

He did behave himself at the check stand while his treats, a new leash and a  $1.99 sale toy were bagged up. (The duck was on sale apparently due to a pneumothorax.)

See Barkley - you behaved so you get a toy of your own.

squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeeky squeekkkkkkkkkkk!!!! OK, that's enough toy for now Barkley.
You can have my duck when you pry it out of my cold, cold jaws.

Yes, I think everyone had fun!

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