How many of you keep a flashlight handy in your house? Were the power to go out when you're in bed, in the bath, in the hall, could you see well enough to have defense handy in a break in or to simply get to safety in a hurry if there is a fire or tornado?
One night recently, I was tossing and turning, my body still in a time zone far away, back in the crash pad in the city to start work the next day. On the nightstand there was not just a small flashlight, there was a camera, where I'd taken a photo the night before of a vase of my Mom's I'd placed there.
I thought I'd heard Barkley during the night, wondering if he prowls while I sleep. What IS he up to out there in that dark, quiet space? I imagine him just bustling about, waiting until it's time for slippers and breakfast, doing his best to keep me safe from nefarious creatures.
In the dark, I heard the huff of his breath, so I grabbed the camera and took the shot without really looking, rolled over and went back to sleep.
You know, it's probably best I DON'T know what Barkley does at night when I'm asleep.