Cloudy With a Chance of Physics - Sunday Adventures

Entropy isn't what it used to be...

The morning started off abrupty, when I woke early from a nightmare.  Partner asked me what it was and I said

"I was speaking at this giant conference center, got separated from my group and was being chased by a giant feral pig!"

He chuckled and said "you've got to lay off the bacon".

Rather than try to go back to sleep, it was up to create something in the kitchen

When you start the day with Sour Cream Pancakes  and homemade sugar syrup with vanilla, the day is just going to go better. Very light and moist with a hint of cardammon.
Take that, giant feral pigs! 
Soon, it will be time to work more on the kitchen/plumbing project.  New pipes going in and being moved, as the sink will be on a different wall.  But first some work on the washing machine plumbing.

Here's the antique sink (it's dirty from transport but in really good condition)
It's just a rough sketch (and OK, someone spilled water on it :-) but this is how it will look.
How is my soldering?  Well, I learned the first lesson of that while young (that also included "never get between electricity and where it wants to go").  If you're going to solder in shorts, shave your legs.  That being said, I'm slightly better than Barkley at it, but improvement is possible.

I'm reminded of a sticker that's down in the basement.
Time for a break.  It's in the 40's, a good time to walk to the local pub for tea and an early supper.
Sorry Barkley, no dogs allowed. You'll have to find something to do to entertain yourself until we get back.
Full of fish and chips (I had some yummy colcannon instead of chips) and tea, we enjoyed a nice long walk home to see how Barkley fared in our absence.

"Oh, P.  - Barkley's been playing Mexican Train again!"
I'm thinking that's a hint.  It's getting dark out.  We should play a game andthen curl up with some books and leave the remaining plumbing for another day.  Sounds like a plan.
 I hope you all had a fun and productive weekend, whatever you ended up doing.
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