Driving Mr. Barkley - The Morning Commute

Madam - I'll just wait here until you bring the car around

My weekly commute is about 3 and a half hours each way with good traffic.  I don't do it daily, obviously, having a small, tidy rental near work.  Typically, Barkley makes the trip with me, hanging out at the crash pad while I work, with a gal friend who sleeps over if I get called out overnight.

Other than an occasional nudge of a nose for a pat, and a break for potty, water and treats every hour or so, he's really quiet in the back seat of the Bat Truck.  He has a harness that buckles into the seat belt and attaches above his shoulders, so he can't go flying into the front in an accident.  He can move around, to stretch out across the whole bench to sleep if he wants, but he prefers to sit like a "people" with his butt on the seat and his front legs on the floor.

Some days we leave at 4 a.m., just enough time to feed him and let him out and get a quick shower as I'll be hitting the ground running as soon as I drop him off.  Yesterday,  I got to leave after it was light out and traffic had thinned as I didn't go on duty til very early the next morning.

The sun peaked in and out of the clouds and traffic was quiet.  So I took the point and shoot and held it up and snapped him every so often.  I couldn't see him, not taking my eyes off the road or the other hand off the wheel, so it wasn't until I got home that I got to see them.

Barkley - Diary of a Commute
I'm in the truck with Mom!  I'm in the truck with Mom! I'm in the truck with Mom!
Ninety Nine Boxes of Treats on the Wall, Ninety Nine Boxes of Treats. . .
Can't you change the channel?  It's the "Corn and Cow Show" again and I've seen this episode.
Does she even notice I'm back here, It's been like a YEAR since I got a treat.
Where did he go?
I am SOOOO bored. 
Mom - I think I'm getting car sick.  Can we stop again.  Perhaps at a burger place? 
So glad we've arrived so I can do something more exciting!
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