Not Your Starship's Replicator Pizza - A Recipe from Sick Bay

Still at the crash pad, waiting for the monsoon rains here, with the freezing rain up north to be out of the way for the drive home.  On the plus side, I woke up Saturday actually feeling human.

 I wasn't sure there, after the last 4 days. The week started so well, but  I knew I shouldn't have worn the red shirt. (For those of you who grew up on a desert island and never watched Star Trek, the Red Shirt is  uniform of choice for the phaser-cannon fodder taken out quickly in the plot line to alert viewers to danger.)

It began with just a dry cough and by the end of the day I was part of landing party Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy and the Dead Guy, better known as Ensign Ricky in the red shirt. I started out thinking I was going to save the planet and I ended up as the smoking boots behind the giant paper mache boulder.

But today, I was actually on the backside of it. Not well enough to do much but a couple errands, as I won't be back here for a month, (my LEO neighbor minding the place in my absence),  But I felt much better.  I was bummed about missing Girl's Day Out, but got a chance for a long chat with Tam while Bobbie checked on the basement, most of the lower part of the state under flash flood warning.

I think the thing that made me realize I was on the mend, was mid afternoon, I realized I was STARVING.  OK, what can I make without braving the pre-Christmas grocery store crowds?  I have leftover chicken, the usual veggies, flour, cheese, some jarred and canned things.  Pizza!! But not your traditional pizza.  White, not red pizza, with creamy garlic sauce and chicken and fresh veggies, herbs and two kinds of cheese.
It starts with homemade easy pizza dough (recipe courtesy of my dear friend Kymber at Framboise Manor.)

Once the dough was assembled, it was topped with garlic sauce (recipe below), leftover baked chicken, olives, chopped sweet onion, a jar of sun dried tomatoes (drained), crushed red pepper and some Italian seasoning, then sprinkled with a couple of handfuls of mozzarella and cheddar. 

After 3 days of broth and crackers, this was heaven and it made enough to feed 2 or 3 very hungry people.  Partner will be glad I was only 1 hungry person as there will be leftovers for him when he lands stateside.
Kymbers Awesome Pizza dough:


2 and 1/4 teaspoons of Fleischmans traditional rise yeast (or your favorite brand)
1 teaspoon of organic sugar
1 cup of warm water (110 degrees - use a thermometer - it really matters!)
2 and 1/2 cups of flour
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt

1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. In bread bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in the warm water. Let it stand, out of any drafts, until creamy - about 10 minutes.
2. Stir in the salt, oil and flour. add the flour a bit at a time. stir the dough until smooth and elastic-y. let it rest for 5 minutes.
3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and pat and roll out with your hands and then use a rolling pin. once desired thickness is achieved.  Place dough on to a pizza pan and top with whatever toppings you like. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes (keep your eye on it at about 12 mins) and remove when pizza is golden brown. Let the pizza sit for 5 minutes before cutting into it (this is the Hardest step!)
Garlic Sauce
Peel six cloves of roasted garlic and mince (or use equivalent of jarred minced garlic). Saute in 1 Tablespoon butter  in a sauce pan for a couple of minutes on medium heat.  Whisk in:
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup half and half or whipping cream 
A  Tablespoon or two of cream cheese (more will make the sauce thicker)
Reduce heat to medium low.  Sift 2 Tablespoons flour over milk mixture, whisking constantly (to avoid lumps).  Add in two pinches of ground thyme and one of ground black pepper and a dash of garlic salt, and continue to gently whisk.  When stating to thicken, remove from heat and add 1/4 cup grated fresh Parmesan and stir until cheese is melted.

Spoon sauce on crust, top with toppings and bake as directed above. 
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