The current list:
Gluttony (does bacon count?)
Sloth (three toed or the other kind?)
Envy (but it's a 1911)
For 2014, The Home on the Range Updated List of Additional Deadly Sins (abridged)
Welfare for the able bodied
Second Place
Monday Mornings
Monday Morning Breath
Reality Stars with No Discernible Talent
Slow metabolism
Computer Spam
Express Lane Abuse
"Hey you, with the 33 bags of Tater Tots and the second party check from the Bank of Kazakhstan, get out of the Express Lane!"
Braille signs at the drive thru
Fat men in speedos
Fat women in spandex
Dumping someone by email
Barney the Dinosaur
Occupy Wall Street
Gun Bans
Last Cupcake
The Jennings .22lr
Drinks with Umbrellas (unless served to me on a beach by the 10th or 11th Doctor)
Foreign Call Centers
Celebrity Fitness DVD's (picking up brass will do more for your gluts)
Clingy women
Clingy men
Reversing the Polarity (between the Enterprise's lack of fuses and Geordi's "We'll reverse the polarity,!" I'm surprised the ship didn't detonate when they went into warp drive)
Turkey Bacon
Arguing with a Grizzly over a Salmon
Erectile Dysfunction Ads (buying a new .45 will put that smile on your face too)
Same-Volume Substitution of Smokeless Powder for Black Powder
Power Tools and Glögg
Celebrity Designers (Put "Kardashian" on a cow patty, it's still a cow patty)
Deficit Spending
Mixing bleach and ammonia for "more cleaning power"
Commenting on a woman's weight when she is eating a pint of ice cream and crying.
And finally, the 2014 HOTR Deadliest Sin
Trying to Mug a Legally Armed Citizen