News Flash

Today was a good day. The Book of Barkley has finished the copy editing process and tomorrow will go to production. It's finally happening, to be in bookstores and online and e-book apps by early summer.

Even better, a box arrived in the mail for me.  I'd been wanting a fancier camera for some time.  I was so happy that my friend Keads gave me his little point and shoot when my little $80 camera died, it was so much better than what I had and he'd taken really good pictures with it.  But I'd got to play with my friend M's Canon EOS 7D and just loved it (it takes some dandy air show pictures).  But I just didn't want to spend the money as Dad's care is my responsibility and keeping him in his own home as he wishes, with a nurse, adds up, even with some insurance coverage. I am a firm believer that "savings" is for necessities in an emergency, not "wants", so I wasn't going to buy one for a while.

So I just pointed and clicked and would raise and eyebrow at Partner and say, "I wonder what I could do with the BIG camera". (Gentlemen, that's known as a  whack on the head with a "clue by four")

Today I will find out. But I have to say, I have the best husband in the world (even though when he proofed the Book of Barkley he grinned and said "needs more car chases and explosions :-)
I haven't even learned the settings yet and I'm loving it already.  (camera shy dog meet long range lens!) I took a few test shots before night set in, just to see what it could do with various textures and lights.  

You know, life deals you some blows, but when you have something to look forward to, it makes all the difference in the world.
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