Abby Normal - Rescue Lab Updates

 If I stare at the remote long enough without blinking,
 they will turn on Animal Planet.
Friends have called or emailed to ask for updates on Abby Normal Johnson - Rescue Lab.  Old NFO called Wednesday night to chat about things in general and he was sure to ask about her.  (And folks, if you've not picked up his book, the Grey Man Chronicles, you are seriously missing out on a great read).

She's doing great.  Other than a couple of gastrointestinal upsets (thar she blows!) while she and I figured out what she can and can't eat ( no more than four cups a day of dry food and  no dumpster diving Miss Abby) she's been great. She has a professional dog walker/sitter both at the crash pad and at the Range, to take her out during work days (and provide overnight care in the home if  the bat phone goes off when Partner is not around.)  She's so different from Barkley, yet, so much of the sameness there, the love and devotion, and the big brown eyes. Plus, she plays with her plush toys, happy to fetch them all evening.

I try and spend as much personal time as I can with her.  Having been left at a shelter, heartworm positive from what I believe was a good home, just not one who could provide her care, I see what she has been through, left suddenly by those she trusted and loved.  I look at her with a  "been there, done that", coming from the Foster Care system myself, and let her know daily, that she is loved, now, forever.

So for tonight,  a few photos from the crash pad of Abby enjoying a night with friends.
 I love my stuffed toys!
 The bird one with the beak and all the squeakers is awesome.
Nom Nom Paleo
 Let me get just another little bite here.  Squeak!
Tastes like chicken!
 Hey! Your friends have hamburgers with bacon?
Seriously? And I'm munching on fabric?!
 I am SO neglected.

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