Breakfast and the Swedish Trojan Horse

Careful Doctor, there might be some Daleks hiding in the large one.

It's the weekend, no on call, all the laundry and household chores done, Dad safely on his way to the Sierras  to spend part of the summer with my cousin L (more on that later) on her acreage way up where the deer and antelope play.  For the first time in several months, my first novel done and copy edited, in production at the publishers, my time is literally mine to own. 

I'm staying at the Crash Pad to hang out with Indy friends this weekend.  It worked out well, as Partner had a flight out of Indy and back this week, the fare $300 less than from the airport close to the Range. But Tam broke an incisor (ouch) and Girls Day Out (with backup) was put off until she was feeling better.  So for today, some cookie baking, some exploring the countryside on foot or bikes and Abby is going to get her first visit to the park with the big creek if it's not too hot this afternoon (Update:  It wasn't and pictures of Abby the Land Muffin venturing into the water for the first time tomorrow). Then tomorrow, either a big sleep in (much needed) or range time, and more food and dog hair for everyone before I head up to the Range in the afternoon to start a week of telework of the "annoy an attorney" kind of stuff.
But first some chow, before we start our adventures.

In the Scandahoovian Kitchen, there are always four things.  Swedish (Dala) horses (they're everywhere!) baking stuff, bacon and lingonberries.  If you've never tried Swedish lingonberries, please do. They're great on pancakes, oat porridge and bread as well as meat (the Christmas party crockpot full of meatballs with a lingonberry based sauce disappeared faster than most campaign promises).
I try and eat Paleo style style during the week to operate lean and clean on the days that can get pretty crazy.  I add cultured food daily, such as homemade Kefir, my friend Kymber's kimchee, pickled veggies and fermented tea  (kombucha) so it's not pure Paleo.  But I feel so much better and I dropped the 45 pounds that set up base camp halfway up Mt. Brigid when I turned 40.   In my field bag is always a stash of nuts, fruit, homemade venison jerky or Tanka Bars.  They're an awesome, non-perishable buffalo meat snack, my favorite of which is made with cranberries apple and orange peel.  Minimally processed, with no artificial ingredients, they're made by the Oglala Lakota Tribe of Pine Ridge Reservation, SD. 
But Saturdays (Faturdays?)  are Carb Central around the Range and there are no rules, but to get out and get some fresh air and exercise and hang with friends.

And to consume lingonberries (OK, now I'm thinking buffalo medallions with a spiced lingonberry sauce and mashed potatoes for dinner).  Or maybe pork chops dredged in seasoned flour with roasted onions and cheddar garlic biscuits.
But first - Bacon and Biscuits!

mmmm  Bacon
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